Douban 8.6 points, a career growth story of “blood + depression + absurdity + warmth + funny + tears”. How far does it take from a newsboy in the news Empire to a gold medal reporter who won two Pulitzer Prizes?
作者:拉塞尔·贝克 著,程建农 译
定价: ¥36.0
我相信.青春永不磨灭 版权:
条形码:9787540473907 ; 978-7-5404-7390-7
我相信.青春永不磨灭 特点:
1, 从小拥有想要出人头地的厚脸皮;
2, 早早接受现实。12岁我成为新闻帝国的小卒子——报童,大学又敲开学校周报编辑部的大门,毕业时终于放弃成为另一个海明威,而是成为一名拿着“侮辱”性低薪水的治安记者。
3, 贱民生涯的苦苦煎熬。两年,我从一个警局奔向另一个警局。晚出勤,我就错过了重要的谋杀案。在两年的新闻帝国贱民生涯里,很多人越过我得到了提升,而我学会了娴熟地收集这个城市不幸悲惨的消息。
4, 要向上爬并不需要你有多优秀,而是你能待得住。和其他人一样,我面临的难题,就是钱和缺钱。别人开始陆续走人,而我还逗留在这里。薪水低,流动大,新人的机会就特别多。我弄砸了一次重要采访,却凭着十根指头的打字技能,坐进了主编部;
5, 等待职场奇迹。二十七岁,我被送往伦敦,成为伦敦特派员,从此进入一个辉煌的世界,署名遍布头版,更重要的是,我学会了从打字机上放松下来,并从我的写作中筛选掉轻蔑与咆哮。
6, 学会修正错误选择。进入到白宫,我才发现,这里是记者的坟墓。我跳槽了,做了一条大池塘里的小鱼,却得到职业生涯的恩赐。
7, 倦怠期的“大奖”。入行十四年,我开始焦虑不安,陷在一个自己日益瞧不上的工作里,当我准备结束报道生涯,却得到一个华丽丽的“大奖”:我有了自己的专栏。很多年后,它让我获得了各种新闻业奖项,包括普利策奖。
Russell Baker’s successful career experience and quotations:
- Have the thick skin to be outstanding since childhood;
- Accept the reality early. When I was 12 years old, I became a pawn in the news Empire - a newsboy. When the University opened the door of the weekly Editorial Department of the University, I finally gave up being another Hemingway when I graduated, and became a security reporter with “insulting” low salary.
- The hardship of the untouchable life. Two years, I went from one station to another** Being late, I missed the big murder. In my two years as a pariah in the press Empire, many people have been promoted over me, and I have learned to skillfully collect news about the city’s misfortunes and tragedies.
To climb up, you don’t need to be good, but you can stay. Like other people, my problem is money and lack of money. Others are starting to leave, and I’m still here. With low salary and great mobility, there are many opportunities for new people. I messed up an important interview, but with ten fingers typing skills, I got into the editorial department; - Wait for the miracle of the workplace. At the age of 27, I was sent to London to become a Commissioner of London. Since then, I have entered a glorious world with signatures all over the front page. What’s more, I have learned to relax from the typewriter and sift out scorn and roar from my writing.
- Learn to correct wrong choices. When I got to the White House, I found that this is the grave of journalists. I changed my job and became a small fish in a big pond, but I got the gift of my career.
- The “big prize” in the period of burnout. After 14 years in the business, I began to feel anxious and trapped in a job I increasingly despised. When I was ready to finish my reporting career, I got a gorgeous “award”: I had my own column. Many years later, it won me all kinds of Journalism Awards, including the Pulitzer Prize.
我相信.青春永不磨灭 简介:
这是一个普通人的奋斗史,却也是真实职场的写照:一无所凭的出身,苦闷煎熬的低层生涯,峰回路转的机遇奇迹,热血肆意的职场奋斗,倦意丛生的中年危机,再上层楼的登顶之路……一个“热血 苦闷 荒诞 温情 搞笑 泪奔”的职场成长故事,一段笑中带泪的青春奋斗史。
The biography of Russell Baker, two famous American Pulitzer Prize winning journalists and writers.
Russell Beck’s inspirational classics have brought tears to countless people, but also sounded the clarion call for countless people to fight.
He just started his career at the age of 12. He was just a pawn in the news Empire - a newsboy. After graduating from college, he managed to get into the newspaper office, but he could only run around the community police stations, dealing with drunkards and murderers. In two years, countless people passed him and got promoted* After that, he entered the editor in chief’s office with his typing ability of ten fingers and began to write real news. Because he is good at learning and can seize the opportunity, his career has been promoted all the way. Finally, with his column writing and biography “fly, boy!” Two Pulitzer Prizes.
This is an ordinary person’s struggle history, but it is also a true portrayal of the workplace: a helpless background, a miserable low-level career, a turning opportunity miracle, a bloody and wanton struggle in the workplace, a middle-aged crisis full of tiredness, and a road to the top of the upper floor… A career growth story of “blood, depression, absurdity, warmth, funny and tears running”, A history of youth struggle with tears in smile.
How far does it take to go from a newsboy in the news Empire to a gold medal reporter who won two Pulitzer Prizes?
我相信.青春永不磨灭 目录:
1 一个年轻人,厚着脸皮要出人头地 15“向前看”和“向上看”是我母亲为我设定的路线。小小的进步不足以自我骄傲。我们的世界贫穷、艰难、凶险。人们要是停下来拍着自己的背,那是走不远的。
2 新闻帝国,一枚小卒子 26我是一个新闻人。一个报纸的销售员……报纸产业这架巨大的机器里后的那颗螺丝钉——任何男人都会引以为豪的服务。
3 搬家后,迎来我的职业偶像 35他的别克代表着金钱和权力来到玛丽德尔路,而后者则是雪佛兰、福特和普利茅斯的地盘。幸运的是,考虑到他的社交声誉,继父已将他的一九三四年产的雪佛兰轿车藏进了车库,以免被看见。
4 在霍普金斯,我终于叩开了新闻编辑室的门 46我以一种放松、满不在乎、好玩儿的状态写作。我经常恬不知耻地给故事添油加醋,这放在任何新闻学校,都是会把我踢出去的。
5 找工作,算总账的日子到了 61那时,报纸工作是给那些生活失意的人准备的。体面的人家不会愿意把女儿嫁给这样的人。记者们被当成一群游手好闲的人,附上了如下标签:酗酒,爆粗口,恶劣态度,散发臭味的衣服,沉重的债务,低三下四的朋友。
6 拥有一间自己的波西米亚地下室 75我梦想着过一种那时我们叫“波西米亚”式的生活。这种生活里包含着烈酒和香烟,疯狂地开派对,跟不三不四的女人狂欢作乐,在插在酒瓶的蜡烛的烛光下上演浪漫,以及跟世故老到的人整宿整宿地畅聊艺术、弗洛伊德和生活的意义。
7 治安记者晚,错过一桩谋杀案 91“到吃枪子儿的时候了。”站在窗户外面,我在这种情况下尽可能地定了定神,打开门走进去,既不往左看,也不往右看,脸颊因为羞耻而发烫,想象着屋子里的所有人都盯着我,这个晚出勤就放过了一个谋杀案新闻的贱民。
8 两年,很多人越过我得到提升 108他说出了那个有魔力的词儿:进来。我终于调进去了。在外面底层度过了将近两年之后,我终于要进编辑部工作了。就像是一段长长的苦役处罚结束了。进去。我正被调进去。
9 十根指头的打字技能,让我坐进了主编部 127少得可怜的薪水导致士气低下,不断地有人员流动,这使得这家报纸总是缺少有经验的记者。结果,要向上爬并不需要你有多么优秀,你只要能待得住。
10 和咪咪结婚了之后,我彻底破产了 145破碎的承诺、生气的口角、后的通牒、居高临下的信、对失去自由的突然的恐慌,所有这些因素都是如我们一般年青的人在婚姻中要经历的。
11 钱和缺钱,是每个人面对的*难题 158每个人都有钱包干瘪的故事。有一大家子人要养的约翰·卡尔太缺钱了,甚至在他唯一的皮带断了后,都没钱买条新的。因此他来上班时就用领带系在腰间挂住裤子。
12 别人陆续走了,我还逗留在这里 173我还逗留在这里,牢骚满腹,威胁着要去别的地方,但是从来未付诸实施。我开始看见未来,老得不能在值夜班时保持清醒,只能在一张晃晃悠悠的椅子上退休。
13 奇迹出现了,他们要送我去伦敦 192我就要逃离本地版新闻部的苦役了。我将要跨越那道鸿沟,进入到那个辉煌的世界,在那儿特派员们会看见自己的署名遍布头版,会发电报说:老伙计,立即给我送五千来。
14 在被浓雾覆盖的城市中迷失了方向 203自从我在南安普敦走下跳板,就越来越深地陷入这活生生的梦魇中,充满着指向失败的征兆。不见了的行李箱,离我而去的火车,可怕的刺骨的寒冷。然后是这雾。这样的一场大雾。
15 不戴圆顶礼帽的特派员 220我是一个年轻人,需要伦敦给我准备好的教育。喝完咖啡,抽完烟,我出店门走进弗利特大街,大步经过圣殿门,开始了学习之旅。
16 多西老伙计把大的赌注押在了我身上 237破天荒*次,我开始喊他“老伙计”。不是“多西先生”,而是“老伙计”,跟汤姆·欧内尔喊他的称呼一样。世界的巅峰,咪咪!就跟汤姆·欧内尔一样!哇噢!
17 安格利亚汽车让我成为冒险家 253也许正是因为安格利亚,我在二十七岁时开始开车游历世界,终将我变成了一个彻头彻尾的美国人——汽车一族,他们旅行、学习、生活、恋爱包括死亡也常常是在方向盘上。
18 加冕礼的报道让我涨了十美元薪水 275我从大教堂出来,头晕眼花,身体僵硬得像块木板,还得在寒冷的狂风暴雨中奔跑,找出租车。然后我得写六个小时,写出那么多的字登在《 太阳报 》上。第二天,我的文章是美国报纸上唯一一篇被所有伦敦报纸部分转载的文章。
19 从打字机上放松下来 289我学会了在打字机上放松下来,并从我的写作中筛选掉轻蔑与咆哮,之后我开始寻找不需要大喊大叫的好题材。
20 朝白宫进发 308在这个美丽的六月上午,当火车加速驶往南安普敦时,咪咪和我喝了后一壶茶,与此同时,感觉到忧伤、对未来的忐忑、回家的兴奋,以及酒还未醒的头痛。
21 我发现,白宫其实是记者的坟墓 319我肯定是做了一生中糟糕的决定。我放弃了对伦敦的无尽迷恋,为的是去吃这个无味的布丁—— 一个有着沼泽气候、孤陋偏僻小镇灵魂的城市。
22 跳槽,做大池塘里的小鱼 329我听到了不少关于纽约办公室政治的闲言碎语,而在我为之工作的这个机构,你的整个未来不是依赖于你工作干得多么出色,而是取决于你是谁的人。
23 来到参议院,与政治家“斗争” 352养只老虎当宠物的人一定也感到一样的不安;它是一个迷人的动物,可以与之交往结伴,但是要过分亲昵,你就得小心了。记者要处理与一个政治家有关的令人不快的报道,又不在背后狠狠踢他一脚,会有上百种方式。
24 职业生涯的恩赐 375记者们在世界的不幸中茁壮成长。因为这个原因,在让其他人悲痛的事件中,他们经常有着不合时宜的愉悦。在三十岁的时候,怀着积极向上、在行业里有所成就的野心,我立即看到了艾森豪威尔的心脏病发作是对我的职业的恩赐。
25 政治大鲨鱼们的漫游 395一个记者一辈子坐在国会*好的位置上,观看其他人玩着让人心醉神迷的游戏,但是那么好的座位换来的代价也是巨大的:记者只能坐在那儿,他决不能参与其中。
26 当我准备结束报道生涯,却得到一个“大奖” 419一九六一年我三十六岁,从事这行已经十四年了,心里焦虑不安。我开始像成年人一样为自己考虑了。我做出了决定:做报道是消耗青春的欢途,却不是一个成人度过一生的有价值的路径。
27 我的专栏获得了普利策奖,而吹响战争号角的那个女人,永远走了 435我只能猜测以前她身上的那个女人可能会对我获得普利策奖的消息作何反应,这个猜起来并不难。我相当确定她会说:“是不错,巴迪。这说明如果你认真努力地工作,那么总有一天你能功成名就。”
我相信.青春永不磨灭 作者:
拉塞尔·贝克(Russell Baker),美国著名记者、专栏作家。1925年出生于弗吉尼亚莫里森村,1947年受雇于《巴的摩尔太阳报》开始记者生涯,1954年加入《纽约时报》,负责报道白宫、国会和国家政治新闻。1962年起开设《观察栏》专栏,专门评论国政。1979年,贝克以其犀利机智的政论文章获得普利策评论奖。1983年又因其童年自传《飞呀,少年!》(Growing Up)再次赢得普利策传记奖。
拉塞尔·贝克在美国有“当代马克·吐温”之称,其文字朴实优美、幽默睿智。他的童年传记《飞呀,少年!》出版后曾连续72周高居畅销书排行榜前列,先后被多个国家翻译引进,直至今天仍然在全球各地畅销,总发行量已超过220万册,创下美国出版史上的一个奇迹。而这本《我相信,青春永不磨灭!》(The Good Times)是他续写的青春故事,讲述他从小报童成长为著名专栏作家的职业奋斗历程。
拉塞尔·贝克(Russell Baker),美国著名记者、专栏作家。1925年出生于弗吉尼亚莫里森村,1947年受雇于《巴的摩尔太阳报》开始记者生涯,1954年加入《纽约时报》,负责报道白宫、国会和国家政治新闻。1962年起开设《观察栏》专栏,专门评论国政。1979年,贝克以其犀利机智的政论文章获得普利策评论奖。1983年又因其童年自传《飞呀,少年!》(Growing Up)再次赢得普利策传记奖。
拉塞尔·贝克在美国有“当代马克·吐温”之称,其文字朴实优美、幽默睿智。他的童年传记《飞呀,少年!》出版后曾连续72周高居畅销书排行榜前列,先后被多个国家翻译引进,直至今天仍然在全球各地畅销,总发行量已超过220万册,创下美国出版史上的一个奇迹。而这本《我相信,青春永不磨灭!》(The Good Times)是他续写的青春故事,讲述他从小报童成长为著名专栏作家的职业奋斗历程。
Russell Baker is a famous American journalist and columnist. Born in Morrison village, Virginia in 1925, he was employed by the Baltimore Sun in 1947 and began his career as a journalist. In 1954, he joined the New York Times to cover the White House, Congress and national political news. Since 1962, a special column of “observation column” has been set up to comment on national politics. In 1979, Baker won the Pulitzer Prize for his sharp and witty political essays. In 1983, because of his childhood autobiography “fly, youth!”( Growing up won the Pulitzer Prize for biography again.
Russell Baker is known as “contemporary Mark Twain” in the United States. His writing is simple and beautiful, humorous and wise. His childhood biography fly, boy Since its publication, it has been at the top of the best seller list for 72 consecutive weeks. It has been translated and introduced by many countries. Today, it is still popular all over the world, with a total circulation of more than 2.2 million copies, creating a miracle in the history of American publishing. And this book, I believe youth will never die( The good times is a youth story he continued to write, which tells the story of his career struggle from a newsboy to a famous columnist.
Russell Baker is a famous American journalist and columnist. Born in Morrison village, Virginia in 1925, he was employed by the Baltimore Sun in 1947 and began his career as a journalist. In 1954, he joined the New York Times to cover the White House, Congress and national political news. Since 1962, a special column of “observation column” has been set up to comment on national politics. In 1979, Baker won the Pulitzer Prize for his sharp and witty political essays. In 1983, because of his childhood autobiography “fly, youth!”( Growing up won the Pulitzer Prize for biography again.
Russell Baker is known as “contemporary Mark Twain” in the United States. His writing is simple and beautiful, humorous and wise. His childhood biography fly, boy Since its publication, it has been at the top of the best seller list for 72 consecutive weeks. It has been translated and introduced by many countries. Today, it is still popular all over the world, with a total circulation of more than 2.2 million copies, creating a miracle in the history of American publishing. And this book, I believe youth will never die( The good times is a youth story he continued to write, which tells the story of his career struggle from a newsboy to a famous columnist.