
作者:马洪湉 著



定价: ¥36.0

蒙太奇谋杀案(马洪湉 著)-什么书值得看好书推荐

蒙太奇谋杀案 版权:

条形码:9787514510294 ; 978-7-5145-1029-4

蒙太奇谋杀案 特点:

●热点题材,故事情节巧妙,结局出人意料 《蒙太奇》系列由七个风格迥异的悬疑短篇组成。以影视圈为主题展开:特权导演、内定女主角、潜规则、过气演员……为你深入揭露血淋淋的影视生态圈。 故事紧贴时下高热度的娱乐圈话题,包括剧组凶案、女一之争、剧务伤亡、潜规则、过气演员等极具话题性的元素,加以悬念重重的剧情走向和出人意料的真相,让读者大呼过瘾。 故事不仅包括叙述性诡计、暴雪山庄等本格推理的经典模式,更是运用了许多镜头语言,用“蒙太奇”手法切换场景,埋下丝丝线索,画面感极强。 ●雷米重磅推荐,豆瓣好评如潮 悬疑标杆之作《心理罪》作者雷米重磅推荐:马洪湉老师的写作是专业性的,她以影视剧组这样一种特殊的场所作为展开故事的背景。电影是造梦的工业,然而这梦境并不总是瑰丽或者绚烂的。那些不为人知以及或明或暗的规则构成了这部小说神奇的土壤。 《蒙太奇》系列作品豆瓣评分高达9.0。 ●作者圈内知名度高影响力大 作者马洪湉,现居北京,从小学习中国美术、小提琴、舞蹈,就职于东方歌舞团。国家三级编剧,从事导演及编剧等工作,担任过《跨界歌王》总决赛编剧。多次参加豆瓣阅读论坛等活动。刚刚获得悬疑界奖项——岛田庄司世界华文推理大赛优秀奖。 作者身在影视圈,深谙圈内的那些不被人公开的潜规则。长期影视行业的熏陶让她的作品画面感十足,尤其善于用看似琐碎却丝丝入扣的叙事,编织成张力十足的多视角悬疑故事。 ●随书附赠独立编号的电影票书签,内含互动话题,与作者零距离接触。

● hot topics, ingenious plot and unexpected ending. The montage series consists of seven suspense short stories with different styles. Take the film and television industry as the theme: privileged directors, internal heroines, hidden rules, past actors… To deeply expose the bloody film and television ecosystem for you. The story is close to the current hot topics in the entertainment industry, including highly topical elements such as the murder of the crew, the dispute between the first woman, drama casualties, unspoken rules, dead actors, etc. with a lot of suspense, the plot trend and unexpected truth, let the readers shout fun. The story not only includes narrative tricks, Blizzard villa and other classic modes of Benge reasoning, but also uses a lot of lens language, uses “montage” to switch scenes and bury clues, with a strong sense of picture. ● Remy recommended and Douban highly praised the suspense benchmark work psychological crime. Remy recommended: teacher Ma Hongtian’s writing is professional. She takes a special place such as film and television crew as the background to start the story. Film is a dream making industry, but this dream is not always magnificent or gorgeous. Those unknown rules, whether explicit or implicit, constitute the magical soil of the novel. The score of Douban in montage series is as high as 9.0. ● Ma Hongtian, a well-known and influential author in the author circle, now lives in Beijing. He studied Chinese art, Violin and dance since childhood and worked in the Oriental Song and dance troupe. National third-class screenwriter, engaged in directing and screenwriting, and served as the screenwriter of the finals of the cross border singer. He has participated in Douban reading forum and other activities for many times. Just won the suspense Award - the excellent award of the world Chinese reasoning competition of Shimada zhuangsi. The author is in the film and television circle and knows the hidden rules that are not disclosed in the circle. The long-term influence of the film and television industry makes her works full of picture sense, especially good at weaving tension multi perspective suspense stories with seemingly trivial but meticulous narration. ● the book is accompanied by a movie ticket bookmark with independent number, containing interactive topics and zero distance contact with the author.

蒙太奇谋杀案 简介:

七件围绕娱乐圈展开的凶案,七部猜不到真相的悬疑电影。《索契的雪》——一场大雪,覆盖了猫血和人血,也覆盖了天地间的罪恶。11月初一条新开通向滑雪场的高速公路开通,一起车祸、一只消失的猫、一个开机当日就发生事故的剧组,当这一切纠缠在了一起,便成为了大雪融化过浮出的真相。 《京都之雾》——这是一篇诞生于剧组生活的推理小说。导演在片场突然死亡,剧组内有三人都有对导演强烈的仇恨、充足的杀人动机以及疑点迭起的行动证据。文章以一视角自述编剧、导演助理和男演员对导演的仇恨,以及为谋杀所付出的准备。终的凶手却远远超出预料。 《乞力马扎罗日出》——因想知道自己死后会有多少人纪念,男演员李难导演了一场戏;因想让自己的报道会有更多人追捧,女记者夏茴逐渐走火入魔。两人在微博上展开了一场关于“热搜榜”的争夺战。 《斯德哥尔摩之光》——在电影剧组片场谋杀女演员的录音师被判死缓,狱警在接触这个阴鸷犯人的过程中逐渐对他产生了兴趣,直到一步步走向深渊。然而深渊的尽头不是真相,而是一场策划了八年的复仇。 《土库曼斯坦之夜》——才情独具并深谙“中庸”之道的导演赵子雍坚持让神秘的何满子出演电影女主角,这与制片人何渔推荐的城府极深的女演员左坠儿产生分歧,在中亚的沙漠中,关于这部电影的故事慢慢揭开,而其背后,原来是一份通过电影来唤回往日记忆的良苦用心。 《埃德蒙顿的雨》——作品以充满异域风情的故事情节讲述了一则关于刻骨铭心之爱的故事。中国女子为了爱人远赴加拿大探望,在埃德蒙顿她相继遇到了画廊老板、底层的妓女等不同人,一度进入了不同的人生和故事。不论听到见到的爱情故事的悲喜苦痛,也无论自己身在何处,唯有追逐爱的脚步不曾停歇。 《库斯科城邦》——电影《城邦》拍摄中突遇地震,五名演员在雨夜等待救援。这个过程中,却接连发生失踪和凶案,这一切刚好被一部摄影机记录了下来,就这样一部伟大的揭露人性的“纪录片”诞生了。究竟是蓄意谋杀还是早已写好的剧本?不到后一刻,你永远不知道谜底。

Seven murders around the entertainment industry and seven suspense films that can’t guess the truth. Snow in Sochi - a heavy snow, covering cat blood and human blood, as well as the sin between heaven and earth. At the beginning of November, a newly opened Expressway to ski resort was opened. A car accident, a disappeared cat and a crew that had an accident on the day of startup became entangled, which became the truth that the snow melted and surfaced. “Fog of Kyoto” - this is a reasoning novel born from the crew’s life. The director died suddenly on the set. Three people in the crew have strong hatred for the director, sufficient motive for murder and action evidence of repeated doubts. From a perspective, the article describes the hatred of the screenwriter, the director’s assistant and the actor towards the director, as well as the preparation for murder* The final killer was far more than expected. “Sunrise in Kilimanjaro” - actor Li Nan directed a play because he wanted to know how many people would commemorate him after his death; Because she wanted more people to pursue her report, female reporter Xia Hui gradually became obsessed. The two launched a battle for “hot search list” on their microblog. “Stockholm light” – the recording engineer who murdered the actress on the set of the film crew was sentenced to death with a reprieve. The prison guards gradually became interested in him in the process of contacting the vicious prisoner until they went to the abyss step by step. However, the end of the abyss is not the truth, but a revenge planned for eight years. “Night in Turkmenistan” – director Zhao ziyong, who has unique talent and is well versed in the doctrine of the mean, insisted that the mysterious he Manzi play the leading role in the film, which is different from Zuo Zhuoer, an actress recommended by producer He Yu. In the desert of Central Asia, the story of the film is slowly revealed, and behind it, It turned out to be a good intention to call back the memory of the past through the film. “Rain in Edmonton” - the work tells a story about unforgettable love with an exotic plot. A Chinese woman went to Canada to visit her lover. In Edmonton, she met different people such as gallery owners and prostitutes at the bottom, and once entered a different life and story. No matter the joys and sorrows of the love story you hear or see, and no matter where you are, only the pace of chasing love never stops. Cusco city-state - five actors waited for rescue on a rainy night when an earthquake occurred during the shooting of the film city-state. In this process, disappearances and murders occurred one after another. All this was just recorded by a camera. Such a great “documentary” exposing human nature was born. Is it deliberate murder or a long written script? You never know the answer until a moment later.

蒙太奇谋杀案 目录:















蒙太奇谋杀案 摘选:

  《蒙太奇谋杀案》:  11月9日  “还有三个月,全世界冰雪爱好者的目光就会汇聚至黑海沿岸的冰雪城市索契,这座俄罗斯边疆区域的小城将举办第22届冬季奥林匹克运动会。本台记者届时也将前往大高加索山脉和黑海沿岸全程跟踪报道,敬请关注。”  干燥寒冷的晚风穿越大高加索山脉,跨过亚速海沿岸平原,爬过红波利那亚雪山,抚慰过西伯利亚夜幕下的针叶林,突破俄罗斯与格鲁吉亚的边界,唱着蕴藏在黑海深处的歌谣,温暖地涌了过来。  王燊走到电视旁,不轻不重地关掉了正在播放的体育新闻。  漫长而严寒的冬季降临后,滑雪场陆续开业。王燊早就在衣橱里准备好冲锋衣和滑雪服,天地间纯粹的白色从秋夜露重时就开始令他魂牵梦萦。因此,他还特意斥万元办了张年卡,这件事的契机是从他家到滑雪场新开通了条公路,开车只用二十分钟。  他的心头挚爱是夜场。夜场游客尤为少,尤其是在非周末的时段里。他曾站在雪坡上向远处望去,夜晚白茫茫的雪就像要延伸到天际,掩埋了所有不为人知的肮脏和罪恶,在黑暗当中泛出如白昼般透亮的光芒。  王燊翻出滑雪服,准备去滑夜场。  夜幕降临时他开车出发,这座繁华的北方城市陷入了寒风的凛冽中。这是他在高速公路开通后次走这条近路,想到往常这个时段二环三环四环的堵车,从立交桥向下看,花花绿绿的车顶排成密不透风的长龙,他的心里医意无比。  让你们堵着去吧,王燊这样想着,就愈发觉得这条路无比地舒心。这条从市内到远郊的寂静公路,远不及市区主干道高峰期那般灯火繁华,但他宁可在黑暗中泥泞前行也不愿被困车中寸步难进。  小学时的自然地理课上,王燊次在地图上看到了俄罗斯的版图。这个濒临北冰洋、波罗的海和芬兰湾的国家让他产生了深深的向往。乌拉尔山脉、中西伯利亚高原和大高加索山脉的风就像是梦境深处的呓语,伴随他度过了三十个严寒而漫长的冬季。  这地广人稀的清冷实在太合他的胃口,哪怕要忍受无边的寒冷与孤寂。  想到这里,王燊突然回过神来。前方的路开始变得幽暗而陌生,不知从何时起已不再有路灯照明。他的大脑急速运转判断当前的方位,却依旧不知前方是西还是东,只能感知到自己已经拐到一处颠簸的土路上,沙砾和石块刺扎着橡胶轮胎,两侧低矮灌木植物的尖锐枝干正随着他的迁移剐着车身。汽车颠簸得愈发剧烈,前方沉闷的触感骤然传来,他猛地停车,下车查看,随即愣在了原地。  四周陷入了无边死寂。  11月10日  来自于北冰洋苔原的气旋登陆,永冻大陆的冰盖亘古不变地漂浮在深海之上,在斗转星移间见证着这片古老的冰雪帝国。  圣诞节前一个月,圣诞枞树和松树穿梭在繁华的城市中央。热烈明快斑斓色彩的各种装饰将寒冷凄清的冬季点燃,从橱窗望去,整片温带大陆似乎都笼罩在辉煌的灯火中。  “不如向左侧偏靠二十公分。”辛丽坐在吧台边,指挥着酒吧店员搬运圣诞枞树。洁白的吧台上堆满红绿色贺卡,辛丽正模仿不同字迹写下对喜乐的庆贺。常青树枝叶、蜡烛、金色铃铛和小甜饼都被整齐地包装在礼盒当中。  唱诗酒吧每晚6点开门,专门迎接前来祷告和唱诗的人。每逢此时,辛丽会亲自走上泛着陶瓷光泽的洁白圣坛,带领前来祷告的人们高声朗诵:  “起初神创造天地。地是空虚混沌,渊面黑暗,神的灵运行在水面上。神说,要有光,就有了光。”  虔诚的人们跟随辛丽一齐诵读出来,钢琴庄严的音色如水般流淌而出。祷告时的酒吧大门坚定紧闭,即使火灾和地震造访也无法撼动。每日这个时刻的唱诗,便是辛丽生而为人值得骄傲的事情。  每晚唱诗祷告后,酒吧正常营业。穿过挂满铃铛和小花环的枞树,辛丽走进吧台打算完成她为基督弥撒准备的《旧约》抄写。  清脆的风铃声在门口响起,卷携来夜晚寒冷的风。  杜哲匆匆跑了进来,看着吧台上琳琅满目的贺卡,俯身靠近辛丽耳边低语:“老板娘,亚伯不见了。”  辛丽手中的钢笔在纸上骤然停顿,墨水渗透进纸张,形成了一小片黑暗的阴影。  亚伯是只猫。半年前的初夏,伴随着黄昏时清冷的细雨,辛丽穿过城中的棚户区,看到在混合着菜叶和鱼鳞的潮湿泥土上,一只孤独而高傲的猫站在那里。  黄昏时的细雨就像情人哀伤孤冷的泪水,而猫正傲立在泥泞之上。  ……

蒙太奇谋杀案 作者:

作者马洪湉,现居北京,就职于东方歌舞团,国家三级编剧,从事导演及编剧等工作。除电影、话剧和文学等专业相关的爱好外,学习中国美术、小提琴、舞蹈等十余年。以拍摄反映现实题材的纪录片为追求目标。长期影视行业的熏陶让她的作品画面感十足,尤其善于用看似琐碎却丝丝入扣的叙事,编织成张力十足的多视角悬疑故事。 微博 @马洪湉

The author Ma Hongtian, now living in Beijing, works in the Oriental Song and dance troupe, national third-class screenwriter, director and screenwriter. In addition to hobbies related to majors such as film, drama and literature, he has studied Chinese art, Violin and dance for more than ten years. The goal is to shoot documentaries that reflect realistic themes. The long-term influence of the film and television industry makes her works full of picture sense, especially good at weaving tension multi perspective suspense stories with seemingly trivial but meticulous narration. Microblog @ Ma Hongtian
