定价: ¥40.0
骨中罪 版权:
条形码:9787535747686 ; 978-7-5357-4768-6
骨中罪 特点:
人类遗骸能够告诉我们有关人类先祖生与死的丰富多彩的故事。本书收集和剖析了近年来许多震惊世界的考古发现,这些发现无论是在西北欧的泥淖中,还是在埃及金字塔的阴影下,它们所传承的信息都同样是令人震惊的:其中一些显然是祭祀的牺牲品,一些可能是由于受到惩罚而缓慢痛苦地死去,一些躯体则明显承载着令人崇敬与爱戴的标志而被后人观摩……有关专家运用现代科学技术手段解读出隐藏在这些遗骸背后的故事,展示了一幄幅隐含大量信息的古代社会的瑰丽画卷。 这本新的畅销书展示了36个神秘案例和250多幅精彩图片,包括来自金木乃伊之谷和智利北部让人惊讶的辛可罗木乃伊——现在已被公认为世界上古老的人类遗骸,以及乌兹冰人、世界上*古老的侏儒、无头人和西伯利亚中石器时代的巨狼墓葬等等。世界级的人类学专家在对这些不同时期、不同个案的人体骨骸进行了翔实的研究之后,在深入细致的研究和推论的基础上,为我们描绘了一幅关于世界各地不同时代社会生活、文化和信仰的令人信服的完美画卷。
Human remains can tell us colorful stories about the life and death of our ancestors. This book collects and analyzes many archaeological discoveries that have shocked the world in recent years. Whether in the mud of northwest Europe or in the shadow of the Egyptian pyramids, the information they pass on is equally shocking: some of them are obviously victims of sacrifice, some may die slowly and painfully due to punishment, Some bodies are obviously carrying the symbol of admiration and love, and are observed by later generations… Relevant experts use modern scientific and technological means to interpret the stories hidden behind these remains, showing a magnificent picture of ancient society with a lot of information. This * new bestseller shows 36 mysterious cases and more than 250 wonderful pictures, including the amazing sinkoro mummies from the valley of the golden mummies and northern Chile - now recognized as the world’s * ancient human remains, as well as the UZ iceman, the world’s * ancient dwarf, headless man and Siberian Mesolithic giant wolf tombs. After detailed research on the human skeletons of these different periods and cases, world-class anthropologists, on the basis of in-depth and detailed research and inference, have painted us a convincing and perfect picture of social life, culture and belief in different times all over the world.
骨中罪 简介:
This book is divided into five chapters, showing 36 mysterious cases and more than 250 wonderful pictures. Through the study of human bones, it shows the pictures of social life, culture and belief in different times all over the world.
骨中罪 目录:
**章 生活方式
第二章 自然死亡
第三章 故意致死
第四章 墓葬
第五章 木乃伊与木乃伊的制作